Friday 16 December 2011

Barbera Baxters Vienna Regulator

Nice and easy for a change.
It was very strange how clean the whole movement was as I recieved it. It looked like it had just recently been serviced. It appears it had been serviced last in 1996 as a small inscription tells in the rear plate. Whoever it was over oiled it as the dribble stains were obvious. I am convinced it was the last repairer as the dribbles were still tacky.

The plates also seemed 'scrubbed' clean. Like with wire wool or something. Another inscription says 1906. So if 90 years had passed between services maybe scrubbing was needed??

The tips of the scape wheel are looking slighly worn/tired, I am considering giving them a little polish. ?

Saturday 10 December 2011

Terry & Dawns clock

It really does take a full day to strip, clean & reassemble a three train clock.
It took 1 hour to strip into component parts. It then took a couple of hours soaking in horolene. It then took 4 hours! to wash, rinse, dry, peg holes, reassemble, lubricate, check it all, plant the escapement and have it ticking.

Then there is an hour or two of keeping a beady eye on it, making sure it behaves properley.

Sunday 4 December 2011

A bit of a clock update.

Well I have had a fairly constructive weekend. Not massive leaps and bounds but progress non the less.

I have finally made the bell stand for my longcase clock;

It just needs a clean up.

I have also made the crutch for little clock;

I have had two mantle clocks off eBay;

They will be happily tick-tocking soon.

And my bhi materials pack has arrived;

Oh, and I can now sight read, slowly but surely Bach's BWV 1004 for classical guitar.