Saturday, 31 October 2009

Mounting the Great wheels and going train.

Disassemble the chassis and put the two plates together in the register pins. Scribe out the positions for the great wheel arbors, at 2 1/4" from the bottom and 1 9/16" either side of the centre line. Drill and ream to fit.
Next depth the 96tooth great wheel to the centre wheel pinion on a simple homemade depthing tool. Scribe an arc across the centre line, drill and broach. Then depth the centre wheel to the Scape pinion and scribe that arc which will be 2 1/16" furthur up the plate.

1 comment:

  1. As you can probably tell, this clock is progressing really fast. Well actually my clock is a little furthur along than the blog. The blog is catching up.
